City of Nanaimo, BC

In 2024, our consulting team developed a Level of Service (LOS) matrix for a proposed washroom upgrade in Maffeo-Sutton Park for the City of Nanaimo, BC. Maffeo-Sutton Park is a signature park that overlooks the world-famous harbour, hosts many community events, and serves as a year-round destination for residents and visitors.

The LOS analysis defines service scenarios, enabling the organization to select an agreed-upon service level that outlines high-level activities and estimates operational and maintenance costs. This sets operational expectations once the capital project is completed.

The tool captures different tiers of service levels to help determine the agreed-upon LOS and show scenarios if the LOS is increased or decreased:

·         Tier 1 – Below standard service

·         Tier 2 – Meets standard service

·         Tier 3 – Above standard service

The monthly cost is calculated based on the estimated usage of the asset or service. The form incorporates asset management principles. By determining the services and assets provided by the new bathroom, the user selects the agreed-upon service level and associated costs. Levels of Service (LOS) are dynamic and can be adjusted by lowering, raising, or removing the service. The LOS analysis tool allows users to create and adjust different scenarios and predict the associated operational and maintenance costs required to directly affect the customer experience.