City of Medicine Hat Urban Forestry
T2SR was engaged to develop Level of Service (LOS) components that align with the Urban Forest Management Plan. The design will allow for a scalable Level of Service (LOS) for urban forestry services.
Stage 1 - Create a Structure
T2SR is engaged to define how to determine service activities on the scale (using Risk and Demand factors). This will define operating and capital expenditures by applying industry best practice standards.
Stage 2 - Operational Plan
Stage 3 - UFSP Update for Public Services Committee
T2SR was engaged to prepare a formal presentation to Public Services Committee that included:
• Background on Urban Forest Management Plan (2012)
• Review the current and future state of 15 actions and associated strategies
• Identify next steps to continue implementing and expanding the actions and strategies
Stage 4 - Develop Five Year Planting Plan
T2SR is engaged to utilize internal GIS data to identify and prioritize eligible planting locations based on city features and density / plant diversity requirements. This will establish base line planting targets, species diversity targets and optimize planting locations by community and region.
Stage 5 - Develop Risk-Based Pruning Model and Program
T2SR is engaged to develop a risk matrix to individually asses each tree asset. A portion of the inventory will be annually assessed and the highest risk trees will be maintained the following year.
Scott Richter, Business & Innovation Manager, Parks and Recreation c-403.502.8065
Dave Genio, Manager of Operations and Maintenance, Parks and Recreation t-403.529.8315